FastStart Strawberry Cream Pie

- Strawberry Fieldstone® Bakery FastStart Bars
- Whip Cream
- Strawberries
- 1′ or Smaller Circular Cookie Cutter
- Clean and remove stems of a few strawberries. Dice some of them into small cubes then slice some of them vertically so the slice resembles a heart.
- Unwrap a Fieldstone® Bakery FastStart Bar and cut two circles from it using the cookie cutter.
- Spoon whip cream onto on of the FastStart circles. Sprinkle a few diced strawberry pieces on the whip cream. Add a little more whip cream to stick the other FastStart circle on to the stack.
- Spoon a dollop of whip cream on top, and finish with a strawberry slice.
- Serve immediately or store in the fridge until ready to serve.